lunedì 11 ottobre 2010

Eastern Promises

Naomi Campbell tells it all to Interview Magazine's Toni Shafrazi and the photoshoot, a Mert&Marcus work, shows her in a badass violent mood against a young russian hyper-tattooed dude (played by male model Alex Kovas).
Sure as the fact monday sucks, this caused a lot of controversy because of the visual violence and the large amount of fake blood on images.
I found this a bit disturbing but well done: the sleek black looks by Lanvin, Gucci and Bottega Veneta (styled by Karl Templer) are totally me (I own an identical black leather trench which is one of my best wardrobe glories ) and the whole work is heavily reminding of one of my favourite Cronenberg movies "Eastern Promises" with a particular reference to the infamous bathouse fight scene (not to mention the ironic fact Miss Campbell is actually engaged to a russian man, millionaire Vladimir Doronin, in real life).
I'm learning to deal with my strong reactions to visual artworks: the more dramatic is my first impression (even if not in a positive way) the more the artist succeds on his purpose.
I remember the first time I saw a Duchamp readymade I angrily yelled to my art teacher just like an old '800 conservative lady would do.
Exactly what Duchamp wanted from me.
A week after I was loving him.



2 commenti:

  1. Naomi è meravigliosa ma, suppongo e spero volutamente, ché sarebbe geniale, sembra non essere davvero lì, in nessun modo coinvolta, fisicamente o emotivamente... ditemi che è voluto.

    Ho pensato anch'io a quel film... suppongo poi che i tatuaggi abbiano un senso, in un discorso di demistificazione che, tutto sommato, si accorda perfettamente con la chiosa su Duchamp: nice work!

  2. Mi dicono che il tatuaggio sul petto del modello dica più o meno "Lascia che tutto il passato sia un sogno". Interessante!
    Grazie RomanzoDiPocaCosa, per me è un un onore che tu venga a trovarci...
